Wednesday 17 July 2013

隐藏的‘咖啡馆’。A hidden 'Cafe'

Hai Key, 据说名字中‘Hai’是由中文字‘海’,而'Key'是由英文之母‘Quay’的译音取得。
Hai Key, the word 'Hai' is taken from the sounds of 'sea' in Chinese word and 'Key' is from the sounds of 'Quay'.

Hai Key是一间很不咖啡馆的咖啡馆,那边没有冷气,也没有华丽的布置。

Hai Key is not like a usual cafe, there is no air conditional and no lucrative decorations.
A small hut made of metal sheets, simple wooden made tables, traditional toasted bread, black coffee are what they have.
'This is what we do in the good old days, but the current generation would prefer modern cafe to ours. Cafes like ours are being replaced by modern cafes.'

说了那么多,‘Hai Key’在哪里?槟城最近的壁画,远近驰名,而‘Hai Key’就位于上面这张篮球 壁画的旁边。

So, where is Hai Key? It is just next to one of the Penang famous wall paintings, 'kids playing basket ball'.



After a tired morning of walking around Penang Heritage area, why not stop by and rest for a while?
Enjoy a cup of coffee or get yourself an ice cream to chill yourself in this hot weather and continue with you journey.
If there were not much customers, the owner would sit down and have a good chat with you.
The classic taste and the friendly people are what make this cafe special.

A basic and simple small hut with two long wooden table, do not expect fancy decorations, coffee or food here.
It is just a place for you to rest after a long walk.

Rest well, for a longer journey ahead.

You can also get some souvenier from this cafe.

If you are too tired to walk, you could rent a bicycle from the cafe too.

Nearby the cafe, there is a door full of signatures from tourists.

A troop of marching kitties.

A combination of wall paintings in Penang, I got myself a full set of magnets.

~Photographs taken in Penang.~

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